program overview
Our Homeownership program provides affordable housing for low-income families in Utah County. Our program philosophy is based on a hands-up and not a hand-out approach.
We have 3 main criteria for selection into the program: need, willingness to partner and ability to pay.
Our homeowners are required to perform hundreds of hours of sweat equity before the completion of their home. Sweat equity takes on many forms including educational classes surrounding homeownership, personal finance, and others along with participating in building their home and the homes of other partner families.
When their home is complete, our homeowner will be given a 30-year 0% interest mortgage that is based on the appraisal of their home and their gross income.
It generally takes us about 6 months to complete a home from start to finish depending on weather and other factors surrounding the construction of the home. Our homes are usually between 1,500 – 2,000 sq ft. and we will consider special circumstances and specific needs of the family.